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Routing in Floky

Routing plays a crucial role in any web application, defining how URLs map to specific controller actions. Floky offers a flexible and intuitive routing system that allows you to define routes in two ways.

Using Routing Attributes

You can decorate controller methods with routing attributes to define routes and their corresponding HTTP methods. Floky provides the following routing attributes:

  • #[Get(url: '/path', name: 'routeName', middlewares: [])]
  • #[Post(url: '/path', name: 'routeName', middlewares: [])]
  • #[Put(url: '/path', name: 'routeName', middlewares: [])]
  • #[Patch(url: '/path', name: 'routeName', middlewares: [])]
  • #[Delete(url: '/path', name: 'routeName', middlewares: [])]
  • #[MatchWith(['GET', 'POST'], url: '/path', name: 'routeName', middlewares: [])]

Example :


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Floky\Http\Requests\Request;
use Floky\Routing\Attributes\Get;

class WelcomeController extends Controller

    #[Get(url: '/welcome', name: 'welcome')]
    public function index(Request $request) {

        return view('welcome');

In this example, the WelcomeController has an index method decorated with the #[Get] attribute. This method handles GET requests to the /welcome URL. The middlewares option specifies that the first middleware should be executed before the controller method.

Declaring Routes in Route Files

You can also define routes in the web.php and api.php files located in the routes directory. These files use the Laravel Route facade to define routes.



Route::get('/', function (Request $request) {

    return view('welcome');


This route defines a GET route to the / URL that renders the welcome view. The middleware method is used to assign the first middleware to this route.

Benefits of Routing Attributes

  • Improved readability: Decorating controller methods with attributes makes your code more readable and easier to understand.
  • Reduced boilerplate: You can avoid defining routes in separate files, reducing boilerplate code.
  • Closer association: Routing logic is closely associated with the controller methods it handles.

Using Route Files

While routing attributes offer a concise and modern approach, defining routes in separate files can be beneficial in certain situations:

  • Large applications: For large applications with many routes, organizing routes in separate files can improve readability and maintainability.
  • Separation of concerns: It allows you to separate routing logic from controller logic, promoting cleaner code organization.


Floky's routing system provides flexibility and convenience. You can choose the approach that best suits your application's needs and preferences. Consider using routing attributes for smaller applications and simpler routing logic, while larger applications may benefit from defining routes in separate files.